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Mon - Fri: 12:00 AM - 05:00 AM Saturday: 12:00 AM - 06:00 AM Sunday: 12:00 AM - 08:00 AM & 11:00 PM - 12:00 AM

“9 to 5” at VUHS

Vergennes Union High School 50 Monkton Rd, Vergennes

Come see VUHS thespians tell the story of three working women who live out their fantasies of getting even with and overthrowing their company’s autocratic vice president. Thursday, March 20, at 7 pm Friday, March 21, at

“9 to 5” at VUHS

Vergennes Union High School 50 Monkton Rd, Vergennes

Come see VUHS thespians tell the story of three working women who live out their fantasies of getting even with and overthrowing their company’s autocratic vice president. Thursday, March 20, at 7 pm Friday, March 21, at

“9 to 5” at VUHS

Vergennes Union High School 50 Monkton Rd, Vergennes

Come see VUHS thespians tell the story of three working women who live out their fantasies of getting even with and overthrowing their company’s autocratic vice president. Thursday, March 20, at 7 pm Friday, March 21, at
