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Kids to compete in Vermont Lego League championships

ESSEX JUNCTION, Vt. (WCAX) – Engineering, science and creativity will be on display at GlobalFoundries in Essex Junction as the plant hosts the FIRST LEGO League Vermont State Championship.

Saturday’s event features students in grades 4-8 from more than 30 schools statewide.

Students must complete objectives using Lego robots they made.

GlobalFoundries, which is sponsoring the event, says this gives students a chance to gain important skills at a young age.

“It’s really about as they develop those skills in school, putting those into use. And obviously another key part of this is developing those soft skills– teamwork, collaboration, those kind of things are super key with this. And that’s why it’s cool that it’s a team event,” said Chris Gillman of GlobalFoundries.

Students will be judged on design decisions and which tasks they were able to complete using their robots.

GlobalFoundries hopes students will be able to hone their skills and perhaps join the manufacturer’s workforce one day.

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