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Photography exhibit focuses on showing Native Americans in new light

HANOVER, N.H. (WCAX) – Dartmouth College has a long history and connection with Native Americans. A new art exhibit on campus builds on the college’s original mission.

Panûpünüwügai means “Living Light.” It’s also the name of a new exhibit by photographer Cara Romero of California’s Chemehuevi tribe.

“Literally to the spirit of all the photographs and the nature of what photography is but more than that it’s speaking to the bringing together of people,” Romero said.

The photographs were taken over 13 years. They reference Native American pop culture, female empowerment, the environment and the future.

“Stories of American history, of our presence and how we fit in not just historically but in present day,” Romero said.

A handful of students on campus collaborated on some of the shots while Romero did a residency on campus.

“A lot of people ask, ‘How did you get that shot?’ And we are like, ‘Oh, we are actually underwater,’ and they have no idea,” said Teani DeFries, a Native Hawaiian who graduated in the class of 2024.

DeFries posed for a photo taken last June.

“Water contributes to wealth and richness and to wealth essentially and that is something that we really wanted to portray as a team,” she said.

“Dartmouth was originally founded for the education of Native youths,” said Jami Powell, who curated the exhibit.

Powell says the art amplified that mission.

“But also create opportunities for Dartmouth students and the broader community to come in and learn more about different Native communities from across the United States,” Powell said.

Romero says she hopes people leave their preconceived notions about Native Americans at the door when checking out the work.

“New stories about diversity, about survivance, about how incredibly dynamic our communities are,” Romero said.

There is no cost to get into the exhibit. It will be up until Aug. 10.

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