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Rokeby Museum recreates seances in annual play

FERRISBURGH, Vt. (WCAX) – Combining history and the spirit of the Halloween season, the Rokeby Museum presented a new production this weekend inspired by its spiritualist history.

Actors guided visitors through an immersive theater experience, using lighting, music, and special effects to recreate seances.

This dramatization is based on actual historical accounts found at Rokeby that document seances held by the historical home’s, Robinson family.

In its fifth year, Spirits of Rokeby develops a new play every year.

This year’s play imagines a visit to Rokeby by Achsa Sprague, a Vermont native and medium who lived at the same time as the Robinsons.

“I hope that these performances introduce more people to Rokeby, because, in the process of doing this, there have been so many people that say, ‘Oh yes, I drove by and always thought that I would go, but I haven’t,’” Nancy Haffner said. “It’s such an amazing place that I hope this kind of event will make them pull off the road.”

The museum will open for their holiday shop sale in December and then return for the season next may with daily admission and tours.

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