ST. JOHNSBURY, Vt. (WCAX) – Officials at Northeastern Vermont Regional Hospital say a spike in respiratory illnesses means they are having to try to send some patients to other hospitals.
The hospital in St. Johnsbury usually has 25 to 30 cases a day but is now seeing between 40 to 45, bringing the emergency department close to capacity.
“It could be a combination of things. It may be harder to get in with PCPs or urgent care right now. For some reason, there are a lot of people traveling — the ski areas and tourists. But right now we are seeing more patients in the ED than we usually do,” said NVRH’s Dr. Michael Rousse.
He says if patients can’t get a bed at surrounding hospitals, they either have to wait or they opt to be taken care of by family members.
State health officials last week reported that while hospitalization levels are considered “low,” 59 people have been admitted with COVID for the week ending January 6. That’s the highest in at least two years.
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