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Morgan Wallen’s 2-year-old son Indigo receives stitches after dog attack


Morgan Wallen’s 2-year-old son, Indigo “Indie” Wilder Wallen, was rushed to the emergency room and is now recovering after being bitten by a dog that belongs to his mother (and Wallen’s ex-fiancée) KT Smith. Wallen and Smith welcomed Indie into the world on July 10, 2020, and have shared co-parenting duties.

Smith took to Instagram stories to share that Indigo sustained injuries and received stitches after the attack, posting a tearful video message her dog Legend, a Great Pyrenees, was involved in the incident with Indie on Father’s Day: “Yesterday, he bit Indigo in the face and [he] had to have stitches and we spent yesterday morning at the emergency room …. Since then we have been looking for options and I just couldn’t bring myself to what everyone else says and what you’re supposed to do, apparently…what the world tells you to do is to put the dog down because they are aggressive and I’ve gone back and forth with that and I knew in my heart that he does not deserve that because he is wonderful and could do really great with a family who doesn’t have small children and maybe just has like a lot of land and just won’t be like crawled over and stuff like that. I don’t want him to go to a kill shelter or nothing like that and shelters are full.”

Smith added that her rescue dog dealt with trauma in the past which may have led to the aggressive behavior, but was desperately looking for other solutions and asked followers for help via her social media. A few hours later, she provided fans with an update and was able to give Legend to a loving family: “We just dropped legend off with the sweetest family where he will be living out his full potential and best life on a farm. I couldn’t have asked for a better family for him to be loved on by, and they’re East Tennesseans, so we can visit any time we need to.”

Morgan Wallen’s 2-Year-Old Son Rushed to ER, Gets Stitches After Dog Attack

Editorial credit: Debby Wong /

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