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New effort to improve Vermont water quality

RUTLAND, Vt. (WCAX) – There are updates in the works to make your water safer.

Rutland’s Regional Planning Commission is working with the state to promote water quality upgrades across Vermont. The group will work with 11 other regional planning commissions to administer the improvements.

The efforts include updating the river basin database, working with towns to develop and fund water infrastructure upgrades, and flood prevention efforts.

Organizers say the efforts allow for some forgotten projects to be brought back online. “A lot of this planning work often goes by the wayside. [There are] projects that might have been in an assessment or a plan for a couple of years and just nothing done with them. So, this allows us to stop and take a look at what might be in those plans and what can be done in watersheds throughout Vermont,” Barbara Noyes Pulling, with the Rutland Regional Planning Commission, said.

The commission says the planning phase should be complete by November.

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