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Frozen fun at the Ice Bar in Grafton

GRAFTON, Vt. (WCAX) – A Vermont inn keeping spirits high and drinks ice-cold this winter season.

Saturday the Grafton Inn celebrated the 10th year of its ‘Ice Bar’ featuring food trucks and local Vermont based alcohol brands. The Inn says they sold over 400 tickets but expected even more guests to show up.

A seacoast New Hampshire based sculptor created the bar and displays including slippery cornhole all from about 35 blocks of ice.

“We strategically placed this on the second weekend of January because the inn is pretty quiet, we want to embrace winter so lets do an ice bar, every year it brings different challenges with the weather but this year it seems ot be spot on, like 28 degrees and a little fresh snow on the ground,” said Angela Comstock, Grafton Inn General Manager, “Bringing in new people to come to Grafton, some people are like ‘I’ve never been to Grafton before’ so this event is an entry for them.”

The Inn says the party wrapped up around 8:30pm to help visitors get home early enough with a designated driver. However, many guests also stay at the hotel overnight.

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