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Dartmouth College celebrates Indigenous Peoples Day

HANOVER, N.H. (WCAX) – Students and faculty at Dartmouth College gathered on the Green on Monday to celebrate Indigenous Peoples Day.

The annual demonstration was organized by the Dartmouth Native American Program. The program was established in the early 1970s as part of a renewed focus on the college’s connection to Indigenous peoples. Part of Dartmouth’s original charter was to provide an education to Native American students.

“It is important that Dartmouth remembers its founding charter. And also it’s important for all people of the Upper Valley, of Dartmouth and the United States to really realize that Indigenous peoples are here, we’re vital to this land and that we are thriving,” said Adria Brown, the director of the Native American Program.

The Big Green currently has more than 200 Native and Indigenous students on campus.

More than 1,300 Native American students have graduated from the Ivy League School since the early 1970s.

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