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Sen. Welch calls for U.S. to stop supporting Israel’s military action


WASHINGTON, D.C. (WCAX) – One local leader is criticizing the Biden Administration ahead of the Israeli Prime Minister’s visit.

In a speech on the Senate floor, Vermont Senator Peter Welch called for the United States to stop its support for Prime Minister Netanyahu’s war strategy.

Welch said the policy has not only caused mass deaths in the region but has also failed to eliminate Hamas or release the remaining hostages. He says that the U.S. has to decide if Israel’s military action with U.S. weapons is worth the loss of life.

“Is Israel’s use of our planes, our tanks, our bombs, our ammunition worth the cost in civilian lives? Is it worth the risk of creating a new generation of terrorists, victims of bombing and shelling who saw their parents, siblings, and friends die, their homes destroyed? Is it worth the lives of the hostages? Madam President, I believe the answer is no,” said Welch.

Welch has called for an indefinite ceasefire, to extend access to humanitarian relief, and continue hostage negotiations.

Israeli Prime Minster Netanyahu was invited to address Congress and is expected to do so in late July.

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