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Jessica Ebbighausen honored in Washington, DC, for Police Week


RUTLAND, Vt. (WCAX) – This week marks Police Week, and a fallen Rutland City Police Department is being honored as part of the 43rd National Peace Officers’ Memorial Service in Washington, D.C.

Ofc. Jessica Ebbighausen was a part-time officer who was killed in a crash last July while pursuing a home break-in suspect in Rutland. The 19-year-old had just joined the department and was about to attend the Police Academy.

Rutland City Police Chief Brian Kilcullen was at the memorial with Ebbighausen’s family. He said it was emotional, but overall a positive experience.

“Being down here certainly brings back a lot of emotions that we experienced certainly the day of the event and since, but it’s nice having the family here with us, to support them, for them to support us. And it’s nice to hear survivors speak, knowing that others have been through this and are absolutely there to support you through this ordeal,” Kilcullen said.

The Police Week observances in Washington, D.C., will also include a candlelight vigil held on the National Mall Wednesday.

In Rutland, officials say the dedication of “Jessica’s Corner” at Justin Thomas Memorial Park will take place Friday at 10 a.m., and then at 4 p.m. the same day, Rutland City Police are holding another memorial service outside of City Hall.

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