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Rutland mayor starts ‘Mondays with Mike’


RUTLAND, Vt. (WCAX) – Rutland’s mayor is trying out a new way to increase transparency in the city. Mike Doenges was elected last year. Now, he’s implemented a new weekly meeting called “Mondays with Mike” where he answers questions from Rutland residents at Loose Loona on Center Street. He says one of the driving reasons behind the event is over ease of access.

“Mondays with Mike is an opportunity for people to just come and ask questions and get the direct answers. I can write and op-ed or I can put something online, but there’s only a certain small audience who will see it and people really want to dig into something they can come and meet with me and have a cup of coffee or have a cup of tea. It’s about accessibility and ties directly into that transparency.” said Doenges

Doenges also says in the future he and other leaders will try and host events at nights and on weekends to try and give more residents more access. The next meeting is this Monday at 10:00 a.m.

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