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Organizers say local Free Palestine Movement is growing


BURLINGTON, Vt. (WCAX) – On one of the coldest days this winter, hundreds gathered outside City Hall in Burlington to call for a ceasefire in Gaza.

Protestors chanted for a free Palestine, condemning U.S. aid to Israel and Burlington City Council’s recent standstill on a ceasefire resolution. There were old and new faces in the crowd. It was University of Vermont freshman Lilly Patton’s first Free Palestine rally.

“I think it was time I step in and also support it,” Patton said.

Burlington resident Emma Kouri came with her daughter and her friends. Kouri says she wanted to go beyond simply discussing the conflict.

“There’s a lot of talk about what’s happening and awareness but I don’t feel like there’s enough of a push as there should be and really us putting our physical bodies out there on the line to support the community,” Kouri said.

Over three months since Hamas attacked Israel, local organizers say the Free Palestine movement is growing.

Wafic Faour with Vermonters for Justice in Palestine is the backbone of the local movement. He’s noticed more people getting involved and educating themselves since the initial attack.

“Our movement in Burlington here is in hundreds and hundreds and we’re hearing from many people and quarters and organization that for the longest time we never heard from,” Faour reflected.

Faour hopes people think beyond the protest, writing their representatives and boycotting companies that support Israel.

The rally ended with a march past TD Bank, under fire for holding millions in stocks in General Dynamics, an aerospace and weapons company supplying Israel’s army. Organizers say next up is a rally on Monday ahead of Burlington City Council’s final vote on a ceasefire resolution.

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